As the Rangers continued on their journey, they encountered a completely different geographical landscape. Welcome to the most weathered part of Phaedos!
The Rangers passing an interesting rock formation... |
The Rangers encountering more rough terrain. |
The Rangers encountered next what I believe to be calcification. If you look close enough, there is some life coming out of the soil. The area they are in is low in precipitation, making the air full of calcium carbonate. When it rains, the dust settles across the landscape and accumulates in the soil. The rain provides just enough water to allow this to accumulate in the B horizon. The subsoil is too dry to support good growth, so shallow-rooted grass and shrubs are what form.
Finally, after a long hot journey, they make it to their next destination, the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple.
*Screen-caps taken from the 20th Century Fox DVD Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie.
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